tacit – dmitrij nikitin



“A pathological risk minimization is a lifestyle disease. It causes the lack of immunity in the society, making it rigid and static. The certainty is one of our basic human needs, but reduction of risks below the healthy level has devastating effects. In all scales and in all fields – in nature and human society, in education, economy, but also in art and architecture, the risk reduction is poisonous. The purpose of the project was not to root out the consequences of the compulsive risk reduction, nor to artificially raise the risk probability. The aim was to start a long process of the risk acceptance.” (from the Manumit project).

Eventually the idea was rooted and formed into the Manumittere movement. The rituals of this group were aimed at maximizing risk and freeing up by the exposure. The members of the movement heard the voice of Manumit and followed his teachings. The final ritual was the voluntary acceptance of a 100% risk of death and subsequent liberation on the way through the landscape of the universe.
The video captures the ritual. We follow the last minutes of the mantras spoken by the Manumit follower. The capsule with the man inside does not have any oxygen or water supply, we therefore witness the last moments before the ritual is “completed” and the man is manumited by the eternal sleep.

The Mantra:

My hands are tied up
I will be woken up and will be free from sleep,
The sleep will liberate me,

At the time of darkness you did not let us quench
At the time of darkness, when we were tied by fear,
You will be woken up and will be free from sleep though,
The sleep will liberate you,

“One day you will break free from the shell”
Your voice raved us and we followed.
You will be woken up in your sleep and will be free,
The sleep will liberate you,

Set the way for my deeds, lead us,
Out from hiding, we’ll loose our chains.
I will be woken up and will be free from sleep,
At that moment the sleep will liberate you,

The intangible space dampens my voice
The intangible space senses the power in me.
And I wake up free from the sleep,
By the sleep I was liberated with,

Manumittere, liberate me
Manumite, my hands are now free
I will be woken up and will be free from sleep,
The sleep will liberate me,

The intangible space dampens my voice
The intangible space senses the power in me.
And I wake up free from the sleep,
By the sleep I was liberated with,

Manumittere, liberate me
Manumite, my hands are now free
I will be woken up and will be free from sleep,
The sleep will liberate me,

2016, video (5m 50s), 1920 x 1080 px



A pathological risk minimization is a lifestyle disease. It causes the lack of immunity in the society, making it rigid and static. The certainty is one of our basic human needs, but reduction of risks below the healthy level has devastating effects. In all scales and in all fields – in nature and human society, in education, economy, but also in art and architecture, the risk reduction is poisonous.
MANUMIT infects the basic communication device – a smartphone (or a tablet). An infection or rather a “vaccination” is fully voluntary acceptance of a long-term risk without any clear idea about the effects of a virus. One could lost data, ones personal information could be stolen, the device could be even destroyed. Although, there could also be absolutely no effects at all.
The purpose of the project is not to root out the consequences of the compulsive risk reduction, nor to artificially raise the risk probability. The aim is to start a long process of the risk acceptance.
Loosing the fear.





Ideal landscape maintains equilibrium of numerous parameters, processes and actors. A mankind has been intervening in these parameters from the beginning of the colonization of the planet. But is it possible to understand the processes in such a complex system and to foresee its impact? The proposal is an experiment, a game which rules are difficult to decode. A common experience of causality ceases to function in this game. It is an analogy to human endeavor. The purpose here is to challenge the unambiguous statements and instructions.
The system of inputs from thousands of the potentiometers values allows to control the internal environment of a greenhouse, it enables subtle changes in temperature, humidity and soil, air flow intensity and color temperature of lights, sounds, and so on.
As in a real landscape, not every intervention deviates the system from its equilibrium, on the other hand, the minimum critical parameter change may lead to the collapse and death. The key here is that the visitors do not know the impact of their actions. Nonetheless they act. Either out of curiosity, to gain control or just because of the need to be an active part of the system.
The project is a proposal for the Czech pavilion exhibition at EXPO2015.





“It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.” Oscar Wilde

The Envelopes project explores artificial personalities of generative 3D living beings and the way these personalities are reflected in their form. It’s an attempt to understand the patterns of contents through the investigation of the process of forming the exterior.
Just like a natural creatures, these spatial structures react to the enviroment. They can cling, wrap, but also can parasitize. Some stretch for the sun, other are cagy and grow autonomously. Their growth is fueled by the flow of data.





A grid of pixels has become one of the principal means of perceiving the world. Each display affects it in it’s own way, each one has a characteristic visual aftertaste that can filter out information from the image. This unconscious light censorship is dynamic – its intensity is changing according to the relative position of the eye to the image. Some viewing angles can eventually suppress the information to the level, where it completely blends in with the background.
We have entrusted our perception to the pixels. They became part of our eye and thus their limits became limits of our body. The project reveals one of the levels of the digital image ‘politics’, the level, in which only the movement of the observer is able to uncover the layers of virtual spaces. The search for the form becomes a content.